
Terms and Services

WILLOW LUXE LIMITED ("We" or "Us") is a company located at Suite 23, 5th Floor, 63-66 Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8LE, United Kingdom (14396199) which operates through the site https://tokviral.co ("Site") a training service enabling any individual acting in a private capacity ("Customer" or "You") to gain subscribers on various social networks ("Service").

The purpose of these conditions is to define the way in which You, as a Customer, can benefit from the Service ("Conditions").

Our Terms and Conditions may be amended and supplemented at regular intervals as they evolve, in which case We will inform You by e-mail the month before they are updated. Access and use of Our Service after You have been informed of this update, as well as the absence of cancellation of Your subscription by the end of the month, implies Your adherence to the latest version of the said Terms.

This version of Our Conditions is dated 01/03/2023.


1.1 Access to and use of Our Service requires the opening of an account through Our Site ("Account").

1.2 When registering, the following information will be requested in particular:

  • E-mail adress
  • Password

As a Customer, You guarantee the accuracy, sincerity and reliability of the information communicated to Us, as well as the fact that You are of legal age and entitled to subscribe to Our Service in Your country of domicile.

We draw Your attention to the fact that We reserve the right to resort to any legal remedy against You, including criminal matters, in the event of identity theft.

1.3 Your subscription contract is not validly concluded until the acceptance of the payment made in application of article 2 below has been confirmed (“Contract”). You can download Your Contract at any time by sending Us a request to this effect by email.

1.4 Opening the Account only confers the right to access and use our platform to the Customer who has opened said account. As a Customer, it is therefore your responsibility to keep the Service access codes (login and password) confidential and to inform Us of any abuse in this area. Any transmission of access to third parties without Our prior consent is prohibited.

1.5 Access to Our Service is reserved for individuals using it for personal purposes. Any use for professional purposes is prohibited and will result in the immediate termination of Your subscription and, thereby, the possibility of accessing and using Our Service, without prior warning and without any possible refund.


2.1 The price of the Service is as follows:

At the end of the offer trial period of 24 hours, subject to termination within this period, a subscription is automatically taken out on a monthly basis for a monthly amount of € 39.90 (thirty nine euros ninety cents). Subject to termination, this subscription is automatically renewed from month to month and the card used is automatically debited. This subscription allows you to enjoy exclusive discounts ranging from -50% to -75%, and also provides free access to our exclusive E-Books catalog, offering strategies to grow and engage your social media audience.

2.2 The above prices are inclusive of all taxes.

2.3 Payment is made through Our Site in euros by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express). The Site is equipped with a secure online payment system enabling the Customer to encrypt the transmission of his bank data. As part of Our payment process, We use an external supplier, and do not store any data relating to your contact details and bank cards. For more information on this subject, We invite You to consult our privacy policy.


3.1 You have the right to withdraw from the Contract within 14 (fourteen) days of sending the Confirmation.

3.2 This withdrawal request can be made by sending us such a request by email. A confirmation of withdrawal will be sent to You by email at the address You gave Us when you registered.

3.3 Once You have exercised Your right to withdraw, You will be refunded the amount that You have paid to Us within 5 (five) to 10 (ten) days of receipt of Your withdrawal request by an equivalent amount credited to the card that You used to pay for the Service. However, this right to a refund is subject to the fact that You have not used Our Service; in the event that You have used Our Service, You understand that no refund will be made for the current month, in which case your right of withdrawal will be treated as a request for cancellation and will take effect at the end of the month concerned.

3.4 The right of withdrawal enshrined in this Article 3 does not apply if you are domiciled in Switzerland, in which case any request to this effect will be treated as a request for cancellation not giving rise to a refund.


4.1 Once your contract is concluded, you just have to wait 24 hours to receive the followers on your account.

4.2 You are entitled to request 1,000 subscribers per month once the subscription is purchased.

4.3 You are prohibited from:

  • Share your member area;
  • Sell, copy, rent, lend, distribute, transfer or license all or part of the content appearing on the Site, Our Service, or use Our Service for business purposes;
  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to Our systems or those of Our subcontractors or engage in any activity that may disrupt, lower the quality or interfere with the performance or functionality of the Site and Our Service;
  • Use the Site for abusive purposes by intentionally introducing a virus or any other malicious program;
  • Use our Service for spamming purposes;
  • Denigrate Our activities or adopt any behavior whatsoever likely to damage Our reputation, whether through Our Service or outside (for example on social networks).


5.1 Termination at the initiative of the Client. You have the right at any time to unsubscribe and terminate Your Contract, it being specified that Your unsubscription will then take place either for the end of the Trial Period. , or for the end of the current month in which your unsubscription request occurred, assuming that Your Account will be deactivated and access and use of Our Service terminated. Subject to article 3.3, no refund will be made.

5.2 Termination at the initiative of WILLOW LUXE LIMITED. We are also entitled to terminate Your contract for the end of one month, in which case We will inform You of this by sending an email to the address that You communicated to Us when You registered. In the event of a breach of these Terms, in particular but not limited to Article 4.3, We reserve the right to suspend Your Account for the time necessary for any checks that may need to be carried out and, if applicable, to terminate Your Contract with immediate effect; whether it is a suspension or a termination, You will be informed of this by giving prior notice to the same email address.

5.3 The termination exercised in application of this article does not give the right to any refund, subject to the assumption that this termination is equivalent to the exercise of a right of withdrawal on your part within the meaning of articles 3.1 and 3.3.

6.1 WILLOW LUXE LIMITED owns all intellectual property rights to our Site and its content, which rights also include the know-how related thereto.

6.2 By entering into the Contract, We grant You the non-exclusive and non-transferable right to access and use our Services.

7.1 WILLOW LUXE LIMITED disclaims all liability arising from the performance of the Contract binding Us to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

7.2 Notwithstanding Article 7.1, WILLOW LUXE LIMITED will make reasonable efforts to ensure availability of the Service 24/7, but cannot be held responsible for any unavailability due to bugs, technical constraints and other maintenance operations, which will not give rise to any right to any refund whatsoever.

7.3 The Site may contain links to other sites that are not published or controlled by WILLOW LUXE LIMITED and on the proper functioning and content of which We cannot be held responsible in any way.

8.1 FORCE MAJEURE. The parties agree that, in the event that the execution of the Contract would prove impossible due to an occurrence of force majeure, either an unforeseeable event and outside the sphere of control of one or the other of the parties, none of the parties can be held responsible for the non-performance, breaches or delays in the performance of any of its obligations which may be due to the occurrence of said case. The performance of the Contract and the resulting obligations, including payment, will therefore be suspended for as long as the case of force majeure lasts, it being specified that the payment paid for the current month in which the case of force majeure occurred will be however retained. Each party will however be entitled to exercise the right of termination enshrined in Article 5.

8.2 NULLITY. In the event that a provision of these Conditions would be considered null, this nullity will not affect the validity of the other Conditions. The null clause will be replaced and interpreted in such a way as to ensure its validity by a clause as close as possible in its spirit to the canceled clause.

8.3 COMMUNICATION. Any communication to be addressed to WILLOW LUXE LIMITED will be addressed to :

  • By email at: contact@tokviral.co
    By post to: WILLOW LUXE LIMITED, Suite 23, 5th Floor, 63-66 Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8LE, United Kingdom.

8.4 APPLICABLE LAW AND COMPETENT COURT. The validity and performance of these Terms and the Contract shall be governed by United Kingdom law. Any dispute arising directly or indirectly from these Terms and Conditions and the Contract arising therefrom shall be submitted to the competent Court of the Client's domicile when WILLOW LUXE LIMITED is the plaintiff, respectively to the Court of London when the Client is the plaintiff.